Price Examples
Heads |
Game Birds |
Moose |
13000:- |
Partridge |
1700:- |
Red deer |
9000-10000:- |
Cock pheasant |
2400:- |
Fallow deer, Mouflon |
7000:- |
Cock Capercaillie in resting position |
3300:- |
Roe deer |
4400:- |
Cock Black grouse in resting position |
2400:- |
Wild Boar |
5000-8000:- |
Patarmigan, Hazel grouse |
1800:- |
Antler mounting with
shield |
Birds of prey |
Moose |
1200:- |
Short-eared owl, Long-eared owl,
& Tawny owl |
2100:- |
Red deer |
900-1400:- |
resting position |
2500:- |
Fallow deer |
800-1100:- |
outspread wings |
3000:- |
Roe deer |
500:- |
resting position |
1700:- |
Mouflon |
1600:- |
outsperad wings |
2000:- |
Mammals |
Other birds |
Squirrel |
1700:- |
Smal birds |
850-1100:- |
Fox |
4000:- |
Thrush sized birds |
1200:- |
Ferret |
2000:- |
Jay sized birds |
1600:- |
Pine Marten |
2300:- |
Mallard, Goldeneye |
2400:- |
Bear |
20000- 50000:- |
Common gull,
Black-headed gull |
1900:- |
Skins with head |
Foreign trophy heads,
examples |
Buffel |
15000:- |
Lion |
13000:- |
Kudu Oryx |
11000:- |
Pole bear |
12000:- |
Impala |
6000:- |
Brown bear |
10000:- |
Springbok |
5000:- |
Black bear |
8000:- |
Wari-hog |
7000:- |
Fox |
2500:- |
Sabel |
10000:- |
Ibex |
4500:- |
Foreign antler
mounting |
Water buffalo |
2500:- |
Moose |
2000:- |
Kudu Oryx |
1500:- |
Impala |
900:- |
Springbok |
800:- |
Price list
2008-2009 |
Jansson Edenberga 312 95 Laholm, Sweden
Telephone/fax +46(0)430- 230 25 E-post
www.konservator-jansson.se |